
Position your organization at the front of the curve. To the engineers at City Light & Power, energy means electricity — how it’s generated, transmitted, transformed, stored, distributed, financed and used by our customers. Our engineering teams are highly trained, experienced professionals who are available to partner with you to develop utility solutions that will bring the future of energy — changes in sourcing, storage and distribution — to meet the coming needs of your organization.

CLP has spent decades providing utility solutions, and we have watched what once were cutting-edge “futuristic” ideas rapidly become the new reality in power generation, transmission, storage and uses of electricity.

New battery storage solutions, microgrids, the march of renewable energy as a preferred generation source — these represent important advanced technologies that have entered the utility infrastructure landscape for many of our end user groups.

The growth of the adoption of electric vehicles and the installation of charging stations in supermarket and Walmart parking lots and many other places, for example, herald the beginning of many more changes that will inevitably come with a shift toward electricity to fuel the daily movement of people and goods. Significant infrastructure upgrades will be needed to meet the coming charging demand at company and government facilities as more and more people and organizations adopt EV technology.

City Light & Power and our engineering teams are poised to help your organization address evolving electric utility needs and to employ these changing technologies to achieve your organization’s specific goals. Our analysis, engineering and financing teams are ready to work with you to develop safe and reliable utility solutions that will meet your present and future needs. We invite you to allow us to exceed your expectations.